Saturday, February 21, 2015


To my readers:

I've decided to take a little break from attempting to regularly post here on Electric Medicine in order to focus on finishing my first book. Hopefully, it won't take too long (I'm right around 80% done with my first draft), but I feel as though I need the time to really bare down and finish the final few parts. I'll be back. Sooner, hopefully, rather than later.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Adventures in iTunes: The Nashville Roadtrip Playlist

As I wrote about last time, Sean Waldron and I drove out to Nashville last week to begin tracking his upcoming single. It was an overall fantastic experience, but yes, we drove there. It's about a 16-hour trip straight through, which means that the two guys driving the entire way themselves had to deal with closer to 20 hours of actual travel time (accounting for meals and restroom breaks and throwing a football around in a few parking lots).

The upside of all of this included great conversation, getting to really see the country we call home, and, of course, lots of music. So, I post today to share with you what albums we listened to (most of them all the way through) over the course of our four travel days to and from Nashville. Feel free to check it all out for yourself if you don't already know these records. I promise that you won't be disappointed.

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